Eye Candy to Boost Your Everyday Look

Eye Candy To Boost Your Everyday Look

"Women should never go without earrings. Passing on them is an opportunity missed." ~Jennifer Lopez

If you haven't already guessed it, the eye candy I'm talking about is, in fact, earrings!

So I have a confession to make, I'm a bit of a fashion geek! I know, you're probably asking yourself, is there such a thing?! To be honest, I don't know, but I am claiming it and I wear it proud! 🙋

I have been doing some research (I told ya I'm a fashion geek) on earrings and I came across this quote by Jennifer Lopez. I mean if the J.Lo says it's so, it must be, right? No? Well ok, let's just say it's a good start.

If you are a little addicted (or a lot addicted) to earrings, raise your hand! Don't worry you don't have to start going to EA (Earrings Anonymous) I am in the same boat. But why? Why are we obsessed with earrings so much? Well get ready because here is where my fashion geek comes out! As I was saying, I did some research and found out some surprising fun facts as to why this eye candy not only enhances your everyday style, but your confidence as well. I know what you are probably thinking. "That's just silly nonsense!" or "You're just making that up in order to prove your point!" Well whatever you think about earrings and what they do or don't do, these are some pretty potent points (say that five times fast!) that I have discovered about the eye candy themselves.

Eye Candy for Days

Earrings have not only been the perfect eye candy to boost your everyday look in this century but they have been around for a millennia. Can you imagine?! A millennia, people! That is 1,000 years! I won't bore you with the details, but women (and men) have been wearing earrings for a very long time. Think Cleopatra in the age of the Egyptian Queens.

Here are those top 10 fun facts about that eye candy aka earrings. Maybe these will help justify your obsession with earrings and why as J.Lo put it, we "should never go without" them.

Top 10 Fun Facts About Eye Candy (aka earrings)

#10 They are Your Go To Accessory

Earrings are a great accessory to start with because they hang by your face, near your eyes. They draw people up and in to make eye contact with you and make people take notice.

#9 Showcase Yourself

Earrings depict your style and even your character. They will allow you to narrate a story, your story without having to speak. As they say, "You never really know a woman until you've seen her jewelry."

#8 They are butterflies on your earlobes...(huh?)

Earrings are considered to be the butterflies (mariposas) of the jewelry kingdom, they enhance you and make the outfit! So go ahead flutter those eyelashes, smile, and sparkle girl!

#7 Show Off Your Best Features

Earrings draw attention towards YOUR BEST features. So whatever you think your best assets are- your eyes, your cheek bones, your eye brows, or your lips- earrings will enhance and show them babies off!

#6 The Ultimate Beauty Enhancer

These little pieces of eye candy are beauty enhancers! There is no doubting it, when you put on a pair of sparkly earrings, they light up your whole face. Making you glow girlfriend!

#5 Earrings are old, but in a good way!

Earrings are one of the oldest forms of body enhancers. So go ahead and enhance yourself and look with those earrings! Be the queen you were always meant to be.

#4 A Right of Passage

They are, for many of us, a right of passage. The first step towards independence and becoming a woman. How's that? Let me explain.

Do you remember waiting for the day that you could get your ears pierced? I sure do!

You were finally old enough to wear earrings! For many, this was a significant life event. A coming of age type of thing, making you feel all grown up! Finally, you were able to express yourself and choose your own earrings.

#3 Bad Hair Day Eliminator

Ever have those bad hair days? No one likes to admit it, but they can turn your day upside down. Yeah you know what I am talking about. So you are left with a messy bun or maybe a hat. Sometimes those choices are not the most flattering looks for your beautiful face, but pop on a pair of earrings and bam slam thank you ma'am, you look like a million bucks!

 #2 The Standout Queen

Choose a uniquely crafted pair of earrings and you will be the talk of the town! (In a good way 😉) Go ahead get those compliments, girl. Strangers will stare yeah, but as Harry Winston put it, "People will stare. Make it worth their while."

#1 The Ultimate Confidence Booster

When you wear a pair of earrings that pulls your entire look together, you hold your head just a little bit higher, you stand just a little bit taller, you smile more and you make eye contact with more people. You may not know all this is happening but these little pieces of eye candy can not only boost your everyday look but your confidence as well. Giving you that moxie that has always been inside you. Muah!💋

In Conclusion Miss Eye Candy

The eye candy that boosts your everyday look and confidence is -wait for it- earrings!!! I think Jennifer Lopez was on to something when she said, "Women should never go without earrings. Passing on them is an opportunity missed." What opportunity she is talking about, well, I will leave that up to you to discover. I will say this though, I think she realized the power these beauty enhancers have. Who knows, she may even be a fashion geek like yours truly! Hey now!

Seriously, (I'm putting my serious pants on here) however you want to look at it, earrings have been enhancing women's beauty since forever and a day and my guess is they will continue to do so for many millennia to come.

The thing you have to ask yourself is, are you gonna pass up this opportunity to boost your everyday look and confidence with these pieces of eye candy? I hope I have convinced you at least to give them a try. Or if you're seriously already addicted to them, to finally accept and honor that part of you like the zen master of earrings you are. 🙂

Do you have a story from when you got your ears pierced? Do you agree or disagree with Miss. J.Lo? Share your thoughts and comments below. I would love to hear what you have to say!

If you would like to add some eye candy to boost your everyday look, click the link below to take a look at our earring collection from our International Master Artisans. 

Earrings from Around the World

I hope you found these fun facts on how eye candy can boost your everyday look helpful. Hopefully they inspire you to simplify your accessories by just adding a pair of earrings. I wish you the best of luck! Please feel free to share this post with your friends on Facebook and Pinterest. Thank you for taking the time to read it!

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