Hi, I'm Katy Schlegel. Your Certified Advanced Crystal Master. 💎 Welcome!
About Crystal Healing
Healing energy can be felt over time and space. You don’t need to be in the same place as me to feel this healing energy.
I work with my healing and spirit guides as well as yours to help guide me as to what your energy needs and what needs to be released and healed.
Working with the healing energy of crystals will:
✓ Clean up each chakra center
✓ Balance your energy
✓ Help produce improved health physically, emotionally, and spiritually
After you're crystal healing session you'll feel more secure in your own body and skin- feeling more at ease, peaceful and connected to your mind, body and spirit.
Why is this work important?
When you clean up your energy, it's like your physical body lets out a deep sigh of relief because it finally is given the space it needs in order to heal.
In your crystal healing session I'll go through each chakra center as well as your aura to clean up, align and balance your energy body.
Who is a Crystal Healing Session for?
Everything begins with energy. It's where all dis-ease in our bodies starts to manifest.
If you're suffering from problems western medicine doesn't know how to help you with, often energy work is needed to help clear any blocks. Releasing these blocks will help create the space your body needs to start healing.
Adding this healing energy to the body is always safe, as there is no interference with medications.
Why is this work important?
When you clean up your energy, it's like your physical body lets out a deep sigh of relief because it finally is given the space it needs in order to heal.
In your crystal healing session I'll go through each chakra center as well as your aura to clean up, align and balance your energy body.
Who is a Crystal Healing Session for?
Everything begins with energy. It's where all dis-ease in our bodies starts to manifest.
If you're suffering from problems western medicine doesn't know how to help you with, often energy work is needed to help clear any blocks. Releasing these blocks will help create the space your body needs to start healing.
Adding this healing energy to the body is always safe, as there is no interference with medications.

How do crystals help you heal?
Crystals can be used as tools and ways to support you. Just like taking vitamins and minerals can support your overall health and wellbeing- so can crystals.
Crystals allow us to change our frequencies, creating more of what we’re needing in that moment for emotional and physical healing.
Cost & Schedule
Each Crystal Healing Session is $100
To book a healing session email me at mariposaskies@gmail.com

Crystal healing can help you with:
❤️ Low Energy
🧡 Relief from physical pain
💛 Calming anxiety and/or stress
💚 Feeling disconnected and/or sad
🩵 Connecting you with your intuition
💜 Connecting you with your Spirit Guides and Angels
You can think of it this way: we all try to practice good hygiene, right? We take showers, brush our teeth, and wash our clothes.
Well, a crystal healing session is like practicing good hygiene, but for your energy. Our energy needs a good shower too, but we forget because we can't see it.
A Crystal Healing session will give your energy an amazing shower! 🚿 🥰
Crystal Healing Testimonials

Adriana Keefe: Intuitive Human Design Coach, Speaker, & Energy Healer
I am blown away by the Reiki I’ve been receiving with Katy. I’ve had Reiki in the past, but never “felt” much or saw a difference in myself.
But with Katy, it was different. I had actual manifestations come to life behind the scenes during our sessions, stagnant energy moved through and cleared physically, and a strengthened connection to my intuition and source during and after!
Katy truly has a gift and if you’re feeling called to her work, it’s for a reason!

Mae Randa: Business Owner and Pet Lover
It was relaxing, and opened up my creativity.
It also inspired new ideas for my backyard. Looking at the backyard is so important to me when I start my day and it’s just a few plants and rocks right now. All but 3 of my favorite California plants died.
I’ve been going in circles trying to fit my old life into my new life in Arizona. After the session, I was inspired to go with a whole new backyard theme. I’m going to create a desert inspired Japanese zen garden area.
Chloe Cole Pet Couture: A luxury Pet Boutique chloecole.com