Buy Local-Think Global: How to change your shopping mindset to serve a greater good

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You may be asking yourself, "How do I buy local-think global? And how do I change my shopping mindset to one that incorporates the whole world, but also supports local businesses? Is that even possible?" Well in this post I will challenge you to think outside of the 'support your local business box' to expand it to supporting the entire globe! Have I tickled your curiosity yet? I hope so, keep reading to find out more!
Buy Local-Think Global: Introduction
First things first, what does buy local-think global mean? Well, I am going to break it down for you because it can have several meanings.
It really gets interesting when you put those two concepts together. This is where the magic happens, my friends! Let me paint you a picture.
Buy Local-Think Global: Two different shopping mindsets
Mindset #1:
One day you decide to go shopping at one of your local chain stores. You start to browse through their jewelry section because you want to spruce up your look with a new necklace. You pick out something that you absolutely adore! Since you are there you decide to grab bananas and milk too- it’s a one stop shop. As you walk up to the check out stand, you notice the woman in front of you has the same necklace you are about to purchase. You catch each others eye and smile awkwardly at one another. You think, "Well at least I will never see her again. It’s not like we run in the same social circle." Without another thought, you purchase your milk, bananas and necklace. The next day you decide to wear your new necklace to work. You're so excited! As you walk into work, you see the receptionist is wearing the same exact necklace! Quickly you take it off and put it in her purse, hoping you still have the receipt so you can take it back. When you get home you search for the tags and receipt, you see that it was made in China and that it has a batch number of 15,678 on it. You think to yourself, “Well no wonder the receptionist had one and the girl at the checkout stand too! How many other women must have purchased the same necklace- thousands I'm sure!” That night, you gladly return the necklace feeling disappointed and a little discouraged because now you don't have anything new to wear.
Mindset #2:
It's your day off and you decide to do a little online shopping. You pull up your favorite shop- you love this website because of all the one of kind fashion they have. You see they have some fabulous new arrivals so you fill your cart with a couple new pieces and checkout. You can't wait to get them in the mail because you know they will be even prettier in person! Several days go by and you come home to find a box on you front porch. You excitedly take it inside and start to open it up. As you do, a wonderful experience starts to unfold. The earrings and bracelet you ordered are so beautiful! You pull them out and try them on- running to the mirror to sneak a peak. You are thrilled! But wait you go back to the box because you realize you missed some extra goodies. There in front of you are the Artisans who made your items along with their stories. You now feel a sense of pride in your purchase knowing you helped these artisans in some way. The next day you go into work wearing your new fashion pieces. You receive so many compliments! Full of delight, you tell the stories of the artisans who made them and where they came from. Your co-worker points out that it's super cool because through your purchase you made a contribution to someones life. You can't seem to stop smiling! You truly feel like you contributed to a greater good.
Now that I painted two different shopping mindsets, I want to pose a question for you to ponder. Which mindset fills you with a sense of satisfaction?
In this next section I am going to paint you a picture of how each day you can create a new page in your fashion story and become a buy local-think global champion!
Buy Local-Think Global: The Artisan's Story Is Your Story
Artisan's Story: Ketut Lastri
Ketut Lastri, owner and designer behind Laba Creative, puts a unique twist on her cultural fashion. Using traditional Balinese fabric and design, she creates one of a kind purses and accessories. She is one of the only women owned businesses in Ubud, Bali- creating change for her people every single day she decided to open her shop's doors. It's hard work and sometimes she doesn't know how she is going to provide for so many people.
Your Story:
One of your friends tells you about an online boutique shop that has the coolest and most unique purses that are made by hand. You end up purchasing one and it becomes your favorite purse. You always receive compliments on it and when people ask you where you got it- you get to tell a story of a local designer in Ubud, Bali. Her name is Ketut Lastri. She is one of the only woman business owners in Ubud. The fabric she uses in her designs is a traditional Balinese pattern and is used in many Balinese textiles, but never used like this. Your purse is special and one of a kind. You know that because of your purchase; it has a directly impacted another woman's life. In fact many people's lives, since Ketut Lastri supplies jobs to many people in Ubud, Bali.
Artisan's Story: Jeanne
Jeanne is originally from Paris. With a love for South America she moved half way across the world. She loves creating pieces that are unique and all her own. Last time we spoke, she was struggling to find a way to expand her business she has built from scratch by herself. She has lived in Buenos Aires for over 9 years now. Though discouraged, she is certain she will find a way.
Your Story:
You are feeling a little like a pick me up. You search on the internet for ethically made fashion because you are fancying a new necklace. You find this cool boutique shop where the fashion is handmade by independent artisans. You make your purchase of this really unique necklace. It arrives just in time to wear for a coffee date. You slip it on before you head out the door, just putting it around your neck makes you feel like an Egyptian goddess. It is beautiful and makes you feel sexy! When you meet your date, they tell you how beautiful you are. As you sit on the patio chit chatting the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day and you just feel beautiful! A woman passing by stops and tells how you are glowing and that your necklace compliments your glow. Your date smiles and asks you were you got your necklace. As you reveal your source you tell them about Jeanne the artisan. You smile as you tell her story and feel really good about how your purchase gives Jeanne a chance to be even more successful in this world.
Artisan's Story: Yuki
Yuki is the artisan and designer behind Ciclo, making beautiful knot accessories. In Japanese fashion, there are many knots, and each have a different meaning. Yuki has delicately taken the beauty of her culture's tradition and modernized it into wearable pieces of art. She is mother of two (soon to be three!) She has full time job and does her jewelry business on the side. She hopes to one day be able to support her family with just one job and her passion the accessories she makes.
Your Story:
Your wedding day is coming closer and you want to find something unique and special to wear. A boutique shop comes to mind that you came across recently. You remember there was this designer from Japan that specialized in jewelry and there was even one knot that was particularly made to wear for weddings in Japan. You search the website and find something you love! Your wedding day arrives and while your are getting ready, your mother brings you the necklace you purchased specifically for the day- the Ume Knot Necklace. You smile to yourself because you know that in wearing this necklace you look and feel beautiful, as it adds a very special meaning to your wedding day experience. You slip it on knowing it was made especially with you in mind. The fact that the knot represents something that cannot be easily untied gives you a little more confidence and calms your butterfly filled stomach. The wedding went off without a hitch. At the reception, people congratulate you and compliment you on your beautiful and unique necklace. While passing along your gratitude you tell them what the knot means and who made it. Their smiles fill you with a sense of pride that you decided to support another woman's lively hood in another country.
Buy Local-Think Global: Full Circle
Can you see how the buy local-think global mindset can create a ripple effect? You are thinking globally because that purse or necklace you bought is from a different country but even more so you added power with your purchase because you chose to support an independent artisan and their business. You also created an opportunity to tell their story and have their voice be heard all the way on the other side of the world. And then you bought it locally- if you really break it down you bought it locally globally and locally locally. How's that you might ask? Well, one, these items are made by local artisans in different cities all over the world (local global). And two, when you purchased it from a local business, you supported a local woman right here in your own country. (local local). How cool is that?!
Remember the question I asked you to ponder? The one where I asked you which shopping mindset fills you with a sense of satisfaction? If you will please bring to mind your answer.
You see, through a conscious purchase you create an opportunity to give artisans a voice and just as important a livelihood to continue their work. Your decision to buy local-think global holds the power to connect their stories through the fashion they make to the fashion you wear. You totally have the power to purchase the right kind of fashion and all the while creating an impact not only at a local level but a global one as well.
Now can you see how empowering it feels to shop this way? Now imagine if you could shop this way with everything in your closet and drawers? How satisfying would it be to slip into that dress and adorn your wrist with that bracelet- knowing exactly where it came from, who made it and that you empowered not one but many entrepreneurs in the process? Go ahead, feel that sense of gratification! Your purchase has impacted so many lives! I don't know about you, but that would make getting dressed in the morning way more fun and delightful! Not to mention the satisfaction you feel when people give you compliments and ask you where you got it. Oh how fun it is to tell the story of the person who made it and how your purchase has the power to change a person's life. I mean WOW!
Buy Local-Think Global: Mastering your new shopping mindset
I have great news for you, mastering your new shopping mindset doesn't require much effort, if any at all! In fact, here are some of my favorite shops if you need any help. You already found one in Maripoa Skies, thank you! Others that I have come to love are Isiko, Sseko, Fashionable, Krochet Kids, Girlfriend Collective, Thando's, Feed Projects, 31Bits, and Tonlé to name a few.
Here at Mariposa Skies you can shop the fashion that has been hand picked from around the world, fashion that is handmade by independent artisans. If you haven't already, I encourage you to click here to check it out. I promise you, you have not seen anything like it here in the States.
If I have peeked your interest in learning more about the artisans who make the fashion, click here to get to know them!
What do you think about this new shopping mindset of how to buy local-think global? Do you think you could commit to it this year? Post a comment below, I would love to hear from you!
If you would like to learn more about Mariposa Skies' or how we thought on a global level with our givebacks and how we pay it forward, click either of the links below!
I hope you found this concept of how to buy local-think global inspiring. Please feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Pinterest. Thank you for taking the time to read it!