International Women’s Day

Happy International Women's Day!
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You know what? You remind me of someone. You are an amazing woman. You are ambitious, you are strong, and incredibly resourceful. So is Oprah. You might not think you belong in the same paragraph as Oprah but I am here to tell you that you do.
Embrace yourself just as the great Maya Angelou said,
“I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.”
And if I may take the liberty of replacing that last bit with “That’s YOU” because you are just that phenomenal!
Today in your honor, Mariposa Skies is celebrating the you that is you….you fully expressed in your natural beauty. Today is International Women’s Day and women around the world are being celebrated for the very character traits you too possess.
Oprah once said, "You are here not to shrink down less, but to blossom into more of you really are."
In honor of your wonderful self and all the stellar women around the world, Mariposa Skies is kicking off its heels and throwing a party today and all weekend long!
Because today is International Women’s Day and you are invited to the fun as my prestigious guest!
In fact, this party is happening all month long!
So let’s make some whoopee today and carry it on into the weekend, let’s raise a glass to your phenomenal self!
In homage to the greats who have gone before us, the greats who are worldwide, and noticing you, yes you, as one of those greats, Happy International Women’s Day!
Let’s paint the town red and make some whoopee!
Comment below and let me know who is your role model? Who is a woman whose achievements you admire, someone who inspires YOU?
Send a shout out to a woman who has inspired or helped you on Social Media. Celebrate your sisters all over the world!
If you would like to learn more about some of the women artisans of Mariposa Skies click either of the links below!
I hope you feel celebrated and absolutely phenomenal today on International Women's Day. Please feel free to share it with your women friends on Facebook and Pinterest so they can celebrate right along with you. Thank you for taking the time to read it!